Monday, April 20, 2009

Mr. Spiritual

April 19 — 25

This week is one in which all your Kabbalah basics will get tested:

•Where there's the greatest darkness, there's the greatest Light.

•The greater the challenge, the greater the reward.

•It's not about how much you love someone when you love them, it's how much

you love them when you hate them.

... and so on

It's during this time between Pesach (April 8) and Shavuot (May 29), known as the Omer, that we have a chance to put all our studies into practice. When things are flowing, it's easy to be Mr. Spiritual. When things are difficult ... that's where we earn our stars.

Furthermore, the work we accomplish with ourselves affects thousands of other souls, says Rav Isaac Luria, the great 15th century kabbalist. When we gain greater sustenance, or find our soul mate, or become more focused at work and home, we open the gates for these other souls to make similar strides.

This week, when you're pushed to the reactive edge (and over it), BEG the Light to show you mercy, and a better way, in order that your growth may benefit others.

Our prayers are answered much faster when they are on behalf of others.

Keep it in mind this week. You never know who's counting on you.

All the best,


72 Name of the Week

I take this Name with me out into the real world so I can share the Light with friends, family, and the entire family of humankind. I envisage openings and opportunities in the world for the global dissemination of this ancient wisdom.
I ask for the strength to walk the talk. I know that this Name arouses the forces of immortality and joy in the world.
I must expect and demand nothing less.