Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Helping Others Heal

his month is commonly referred to as the month of healing, and it offers us all the ability to instigate healing processes.

Here is an idea from the Ari concerning how to pray for other’s healing — and I hope it proves useful, because helping other people to heal is really what our own healing is all about.

The Zohar tells us that whenever a person performs a negative action, the record of that action is literally inscribed on their bones. If a negative action is performed with the hand, for example, the record of that action is literally written on the bones of their hand. That record then serves as the opening that allows negativity to enter.

But when we pray for another person, we literally envelop him in our presence. We may have negativity of our own, but it may not be in the same area that has caused the judgment in the other person. So when we envelop another person through prayer or other spiritual work, their body is no longer open to negativity. That is the way we can protect people — and even change negative energy into positive energy.

Whatever damage was drawing the negativity, it can no longer do so. As it is written, “When each one of us prays with our entire soul and with our whole body, through this we can protect another person” — because whatever opening there was for negativity, we cover it up.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that someone will instantly be healed just because we have prayed for them once. The power of our prayer depends on where we ourselves may be, and we may have to pray for someone many, many times. But the important thing to realize is how, each time we pray, we are exerting an influence. We are having an effect.

This lesson is something that we really need to put to use this month. When we pray for someone, we must realize that we are enveloping them in ourselves, and cutting them off from the influx of negativity.

The Secret History of the Zohar
Michael Berg

A concise history of one of the most influential – and misunderstood - spiritual masterpieces of all time. Michael Berg’s overview of the Zohar is a virtual timeline showing its connection with great historical figures and events throughout time. He addresses the myths surrounding this sacred work, and covers who first revealed it, who wrote it down, and who studied it — not just Jewish scholars, but Plato, Sir Isaac Newton, the Knights Templar, and other inquisitive thinkers. Michael clearly demonstrates the profound influence Zohar and Kabbalah have had on all the major disciplines, from literature and art to medicine and science.

This book is a great resource for students of Kabbalah and anyone interested in how the tradition of Kabbalah has impacted great thinkers throughout the ages. Yes, it's true that the origin of the Zohar is debated by academics, but the scholars of the Zohar who LIVE its wisdom generally agree. Michael Berg makes the history of the Zohar accessible to all.

Find out how the Zohar has impacted history and how it can impact yours.

Satan: An Autobiography
Yehuda Berg

“If you want to learn about why bad things happen, you can't avoid reading the words of the one responsible for it happening."

– Your Soul

It’s said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was in convincing the world that he doesn’t exist. In his latest book, Yehuda Berg uses the device of an “as told to” autobiography to explain the notion of The Adversary, an important concept in Kabbalistic wisdom.

Through this playful yet serious faux-bio, readers learn that Satan resides within everyone, manifesting himself as that nagging little voice of doubt and uncertainty, and that's how havoc is wreaked throughout the world. By doing the spiritual work that Kabbalah teaches, readers can banish negativity and evil influences from their lives, and eliminate chaos from the world.

Yehuda takes creative license with the narrative, presenting an accurate representation of Kabbalah’s view on the force of evil in the physical universe

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