He Makes Crooked Places Straight
“Every valley shall be lifted and filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be made low; and the crooked and uneven shall be made straight and level, and the rough places a plain”
(Isaiah 40:4, AMP).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Have you been struggling in an area of your life for quite some time? God has promised He will go before you and prepare a path for you; He’ll make your crooked places straight. He wants to smooth things out for you. I believe that as you continue to commit your ways to Him, He will bring you into a season where things are going to start falling into place. You’re going to get breaks that you didn’t deserve. The promises that you’ve been standing on, you’re going to see them begin to come to pass. It’s time for you to get ready and get your fire back!
Start expecting that you are coming in to a new season. Maybe it’s in your finances. Maybe you’ve struggled for a long time. Begin to declare that you’re going to see supernatural increase, supernatural opportunities, supernatural promotion. Remember, the economy is not your source—God is. He’s the One who opens doors that no person can shut. Keep standing, keep believing because God is going to make your crooked places straight and lead you down the path of blessing and victory in every area of your life!!