March 1 — 7

When you give with your whole heart, you are destined to get something in return.
I know a lot of people get frustrated when they share and don't get anything out of it. The key is not expecting the return to come from the person to whom you gave.
Our five senses block us from seeing that it's the Light giving, not the other person. Meaning, when you are in a relationship, just focus on sharing and don't worry about how or when you will get yours because the real exchange isn't between you and the other, it's between you and the Creator.
It doesn't make a difference if the energy comes from that person or from someone else. When you give with your whole heart, even if your judgment is you are not getting enough in return or the person isn't doing their part, as long as you stay focused on doing your part, the energy will come back. It has to because that is how the spiritual system is structured.
Obviously we cannot continually give to the same person who does nothing in return because we run the risk of giving them what kabbalists call, "bread of shame." But in the normal course of events, we can become better at not calculating every step of the way, and instead just going with it.
Kabbalistically, letting go of our desire for payback is like building a temple inside of us in which the Light can rest, thereby allowing us to tap into fulfillment and everything that is good. Conversely, when we look for what we can get in return, we build a place for chaos to rest. This becomes the source of all that wreaks havoc in our life.
This week, find the strength to do one-way sharing. Open your heart and give to others, without expecting a return.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

This Name helps me to receive when I share and to share when I receive. I can see the opportunity that sharing gives me and I am aware that when I receive with the right consciousness, I am also sharing. This is the circuitry of life. When I connect to it, I move out of the black hole and into the Light.