By: Yehuda Berg
March 22 — 28

Thoughts do not originate from the physical matter of the brain. The brain is merely a radio that broadcasts thoughts to the rational mind.
So where does the actual broadcast come from?
Kabbalah teaches that there are two distinct sources — the Light force and the dark force. These are like two separate broadcasting stations, and they're on the air 24 hours a day!
Here's the real problem: the dark force of ego has control over the airwaves of our mind. 24/7, at full volume, negative and egocentric thoughts dominate our consciousness. This dark force is the source of all our fears and doubts. In comparison, thoughts that come to us from the Light are barely noticeable. It's only when we manage to tune out the signal transmitting from the dark force that we're able to hear the faint sounds of our own souls.
Recurrent thoughts include uncertainty, constant worrying, dread and excessive fear to the point where we become ridden with anxiety. Negative thoughts also include those terrible things that we think about other people when they aggravate us. Or those harsh judgments we wish upon others when we envy them.
Obsessive-compulsive behavior also begins with uncontrollable negative ideas. Shutting down our negative mental processes frees the mind and automatically curbs obsessive behavior.
A cold heart is an opening for an onslaught of harmful, unproductive thoughts. When our hearts become open and warm, we seal these openings once and for all.
This week, when obsessive thoughts invade, take your mind back by focusing on the 72 Name to the left. It is a divine signal blocker that shuts off destructive thoughts emanating from the ego. In the space that is then opened, a gentle radiance of spiritual Light will flood your heart and mind.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I am now switching off the destructive thoughts that emanate from my ego. In the space that I've opened, a gentle radiance of spiritual Light appears.

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