By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, March 1
You're five years old. You and a bunch of neighborhood kids are playing hide and seek. You're it. ... .10. You open your eyes — they're all standing there staring back at you.
Now was that fun? No. For you to receive pleasure, all the kids must hide. The effort of finding each individual is what makes this game so enjoyable. The act of hiding is the mechanism that produces all the fun.
This is life, people. Our fulfillment eludes us because otherwise, it wouldn't be so fulfilling. It's the hunt for love, money, health, friendships, and ultimately spiritual awakening, that fuels our desire to live. If it was handed to us right off the bat, life would be dullsville.
Today, look at life as one big game of hide and seek. Enjoy the process of struggling, and know that if you are sweating, you're close to that which you seek.

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