
The Tree of Life refers to the Upper World that exists beyond our five senses – an endless dimension filled with Light and divine energy. The Tree of Life is a realm of utter perfection.
When we are healed from an illness, the Light of healing flows from this realm. When we are financially successful, the force of prosperity derives from this dimension. When a life is created, the life-force that sustains all living creatures issues from this perfect reality.
But there’s a caveat: The Tree of Life will extend a branch down into this world only if there is an intense desire to cling to its branches.
Deep yearning summons forth the Tree of Life. But one thing stops us from doing so – ego. We are our own worst enemies. We allow our egos to get in the way of our success. We cling to our own opinions. The more people oppose us, the more entrenched we become in our own ideas. It pains us terribly to let go of long-held views.
It’s human nature to expend whatever energy is required to prove a point, no matter the cost. As a result, we’re seduced into making decisions that gratify the ego but injure the common good. We often reject the ideas of others because they didn’t originate in our own clever little minds. We may even secretly wish for failure – even if we ourselves are damaged by it – if a plan originates from someone who ignored our advice.

With the assistance of this divine sequence, I am now transcending the limits of my mind so that I can cling to the Tree of Life. I am mastering the art of getting out of my way, letting go of all stubbornness.

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