by: Yehuda Berg
March 8 — 14

A great kabbalist was known to always start his lectures with a joke. He claimed it brought his students into a more peaceful place and a more amiable setting in which to learn.
Most of us are aware that when people are smiling and happy, they radiate a different kind of energy than when they are depressed and gloomy. I believe one of the reasons for this is very simple: when people are heavily involved with themselves — focused on their own desire to receive for the self alone — they become consumed only with what they need and with what is missing and wrong with their lives.
When people frown, it's generally because their thoughts are focused on themselves and only themselves. But when people flash a friendly smile, it is a neon sign saying, "come right in."
A good smile has the same effect as sunlight. Think how you feel when the day is gloomy and you look out the window. Now think of how you feel when the sun is bright, how physically and emotionally nourishing it is.
Smiles nurture us spiritually.
My mother and teacher Karen berg has often said that if everyday we awoke thinking that everything we "think" we have is on loan, it would be easier to smile and to give back. And we really do have great gifts to share. The Creator has given each of us something special — a piece of its divinity — and it is only because we do not realize the potential of this gift that we do not share it.
The way to enhance this potential and to bring out the part of us that is part of the Creator is to understand the Light is always on. And to quote my mother again, "all we have to learn is how to find the switch. Through our smiles and laughter, the switch becomes more obvious to us."
As we come closer to achieving the job of removing pain and suffering from the world, and things get more difficult, we may find it more difficult to smile and laugh. But we must always keep it in our consciousness that the ever-present energy of the Creator is ours to tap into ...
... if only we go into ourselves and pull it out.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.

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