February 22 — 28

Do you have satellite radio? Know someone who does?
This Wednesday at 6:00 – 7:00 PM EST (3:00 – 4:00 PM PST), I’m launching my new radio call-in show:
Yehuda Berg and Friends
Sirius 102
XM 155
XM Stars
This week’s friend: Ashton Kutcher
Call in number: (888) 410-2102
I will be addressing all the topics that are relevant to your life: relationships, health, spirituality, astrology, career, finances, environment, and more. Each week I will invite a thought leader or role model or celebrity onto the show to talk about a specific topic and hash it out from many sides.
As you can imagine, I’m pumped about this new opportunity, for many reasons. Over the years I have had the pleasure of communicating with many of you via email and now that this forum has presented itself, I think this is the perfect opportunity to take our communication to a deeper level.
In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to get the message of Kabbalah into the world at a rapid-fire pace. And it’s no coincidence the show is starting this week. A couple of week’s back, the Zohar portion was about Moses and his revelation atop Mt. Sinai. For those of you who don’t know, the Zohar says the revelation was not only heard by those gathered at the foot of the mountain, but in fact it was received by the entire world.
Every single one of us has our own Mt. Sinai! Whether we know it or not, the potential exists to talk to millions of people.
For me, this new talk show is a Mt. Sinai moment. I invite you to be part of it by blogging, facebooking, emailing, twittering (and whatever new networking device is out there that I haven’t yet heard about) your friends and inviting them to tune in. This is a perfect way to introduce new people to this wisdom without clobbering them over the head.
Again, for all you long time readers, and those who are new to the wisdom, please tune and call in. I would love to hear from you. And I know that all the effort you put into making this show a success will lead you towards awakening into your own Mt. Sinai moment.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I take this Name with me out into the real world so I can share the Light with friends, family, and the entire family of humankind. I envisage openings and opportunities in the world for the global dissemination of this ancient wisdom. I ask for the strength to walk the talk. I know that this Name arouses the forces of immortality and joy in the world. I must expect and demand nothing less.

Copy and paste the following link on your browser for dates and locations: