In order for these weekly messages to take root in your life, you need three things:
action + certainty + tools. The wisdom and to-do's I provide each week are meant to inspire you to cover the first two. The 72 Name is meant to cover the last.
For those of you who are new to Kabbalah, or you old-timers who could use a refresher course, this week I'd like to explain the significance of the 72 Names of God.
Kabbalah teaches that a highly sophisticated technology is encrypted inside the biblical story of the Red Sea. (You'll find it in Exodus, Chapter 14.) Three verses tell this story —19, 20, 21 — and each verse contains 72 letters. By combining these three verses according to a specific Kabbalistic technique, the 72 Names are revealed. (You can learn exactly how in The 72 Names of God: Technology for the Soul.)
The Names have no linguistic or lexicographic meaning. Rather, their meaning resides on a purely spiritual level. They were first revealed to the souls who followed Moses out of Egypt some 3,400 years ago, as they stood trapped between the Pharaoh's army and the Red Sea. As the people watched in horror as the army approached, they were gripped by uncontrollable fear and doubt. At that moment, Moses revealed The 72 Names. The people stared at them, concentrating all their energies and desperately seeking to arouse the Names' invincible spiritual powers.
But nothing happened! Not a single molecule of water moved until one person moved forward and waded into the sea with total certainty. It was not until he was neck-deep in the waves — while still maintaining complete certainty — that the sea split, giving all of them passage to freedom.
This total certainty —- combined with a physical action — was required to activate the Names' divine energy, and it is still required 3,400 years later. To gain control over mother nature, you must master the forces of your own inner nature.
The power to do that is ready and waiting for you this week, the time in history when the Names were first revealed ...
All the best,
P.S. Would you like a more in-depth explanation of how to apply the 72 Names to specific life challenges? Call 1-800-KABBALAH. We have highly trained Kabbalah teachers who can answer all your questions.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

By using this Name I fill my heart with certainty! certitude! conviction! sureness! And trust!