By: Joel Osteen
Rescued From the Curse
Today's Scripture
“Christ has rescued us from the curse…” (Galatians 3:13, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
I had a lady tell me the other day that she came from a very negative environment. The people who raised her were constantly putting her down. She didn’t feel like she measured up to her sister. She couldn’t seem to keep a good relationship and never got any good breaks. She finally said, “Joel, my life has been one disappointment after another. I think these people have literally cursed my future.” I told her what I’m telling you today, “Before anyone could curse you, God set you up for a life of blessing. It doesn’t matter what others have said about you; it only matters what God says about you. But you have to make the decision to agree with what He says about you and declare His truth over your life.
The Bible says that when two or more are in agreement, it shall be done. Friend, you and God are a majority! Declare today, “I’m a child of The Most High God. I am blessed and I cannot be cursed. I’m wearing my crown of favor. I’ve been equipped with everything I need to succeed in Jesus’ name!” When you declare what He says about you, you will move forward into the life of blessing He has for you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for setting me up for blessing. I choose to set my mind on You and declare Your promises over my life. I thank You for leading me into paths of righteousness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.