By: Joel Osteen
Dear Friend,
Have you ever read a promise in God's Word and said to yourself, "Someday that’s going to be me"? It's time to think differently and do things you've never done before. In fact . . .
I dare you to believe God for the unthinkable. Many of us struggle with putting our complete trust in God. The pain of the past can be easier to believe than the promises of God's future plan. But we have the power to choose; we just need a little encouragement so we can find the courage to believe.
Everything in our relationship with God begins with believing. First, we need to believe that God exists – I know for many of us this is not an issue – but God doesn't stop there. He has so much more in store for you! As you read this, set your heart fully on the Lord and believe that He is the source of everything you need. There's no better time than the new year to change and believe God on a new level.
This is a critical time, as we prepare for all that God wants to do through this ministry. Your gift enables us to touch people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Together, we can make this our greatest year of ministry ever! Request one of the "thank you" resources as you give your best to reach others in 2009.
We love you and pray His best for you daily,