November 30 — December 6

By: Yehuda Berg
It's easy to give up on giving to others. Friends don't listen, people don't say thank you, it seems like nothing changes. But the Kabbalists explain the reason the world looks the way it does is precisely because too many of us give up. Our gifts remain ungiven.
The Zohar says it like this, "the good is weak." There's no shortage of goodness in this world, but not enough of us are putting it to use.
Practically, we can act on this idea by helping people in our life even when we want to give up on them. When we have someone in our life that is headed down the wrong path, [and I think that applies to all of us] we can stick with them when everyone else heads for the door [and in some cases, the window.]
We have to keep working with them, getting them reoriented in a healthier direction.
Even if it seems like they don't listen and we are wasting our time, we're not.
I once asked my father how he avoided bitterness when someone he invested so much time and energy into turned their back on him.
He looked at me and explained, "this is something you have to remember for life: A good action is never wasted."
Spiritually, proactive behavior creates an opening in the cosmos. Even if your efforts do not directly affect the person you are trying to share with (because he or she doesn't have the vessel for that energy), at the end of the day, another person will step in at the same level the other person was at, and will be able to handle the energy and go upwards from there.
When it comes to being there for the suffering of friends and the world, this is something I hope we all remember this week. It's easy to get discouraged, but we need to be strong about our unconditional sharing. Not only will it create strong angels, but it will infuse the world with the mercy that is needed to shift the balance to Light and positivity.
It's all too easy for us to sit back and watch life go by. But those of you reading these emails and pursuing a spiritual journey know by now we have to get out of our box and share in ways we don't think are possible. We have to push ourselves to be unconditional when all we want to do is think about ourselves. .
The more we do, the more we enable ourselves and the world to receive the Light all of our souls crave. Why settle for comfort when we can have it all?
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

My motivation of self-interest, ulterior motives, and hidden agendas give way to pure acts of friendship, unconditional love, and giving. When I take myself out of the way, I create a space for true and loving friends, joy and fulfillment.