Finding Our Blessings
Posted: December 1st, 2008 | Author: MICHAEL | Filed under: Finding Our Blessings | Tags: desire to receive for the self alone, spiritual work, the need for transformation, ultimate fulfillment, unending blessings |
Kabbalah stresses the need for transformation as the key to our spiritual work and ultimate fulfillment. It is important that we understand this in a deep way.
The important spiritual process is a constant transformation from a being of receiving into a being whose essence of one of sharing. There are many reasons for this needed transformation. The Kabbalists explain it in a simple and powerful way. Our destiny is a life full of blessings abundance and fulfillment. But, the place where we are right now is limiting. Our attachment to the desire to receive for the self-alone restricts our ability to receive all that we are meant to receive.
We can view it in physical terms where a person is standing fifty feet away from a million dollars, all he needs to do is walk and move those fifty feet and he will have the million dollars. But, as long as he stays stuck in his place or moves only forty feet then he might have no money and complain and be upset that he has no money. Looking at him we would think that he is pretty silly all he needs to do is move a little more and he will get the million dollars.
This is exactly where we all find ourselves in our spiritual development. There are unending blessings waiting for us, we simply need to move and transform - then we will begin finding those gifts waiting for us down the road. As long as we do not change or do not change enough we can find ourselves complaining about our lack, but as we see above, this is pretty silly.
We simply need to transform in order to move to where all the blessings are waiting for us.
There is another important aspect of this understanding. Sometimes when the Creator sees that we are not moving closer to our blessings fast enough, he assists along the way. Sometimes this push of assistance does not feel great but when we understand the reason behind it, we cannot help but be grateful for it.
Imagine if a friend of the man in the parable came over and pushed him towards the million dollars, the man will certainly not be upset, but ever-thankful for the push and assistance.
Understanding this we can realize the amazing blessings waiting for us, and the need to transform as quickly as we can to attain those blessings. We can also be more appreciative of the assistance we receive, even if it is not always pleasant, along our way towards the gifts that are simply waiting for us.