By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, October 1
Emails are flooding in from students who feel unprepared for the New Year. Great - you are ready to go!
We're never prepared. That's the point. There's always more we can do, but at a certain point, like Nachshon who was the first to jump into the Red Sea, we've got to just say, what the hay, let's do it!
Or put another way, buy the new pants before you lose the weight. Certainty that the Light will be there — even when you 'think' it's not, is what creates the vessel for the Light to be there!
Today, and every day, when you feel that pit in your stomach, when you don't know if you're ready, when you are totally freaking out — tell yourself: THIS IS A GOOD SIGN. You are about to expand your vessel, and jump up to a whole new level.
Unprepared ... and ready to go!