Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Good Vibrations
By: Yehuda Berg
October 12 — 18
What set Rav Isaac Luria (the great 16th century kabbalist whose teachings serve as a foundation for The Kabbalah Centre) apart from his fellow Kabbalists? According to oral teachings passed down through time, he was not unmatched in wit and wisdom. There were others who shared his scholarly abilities. Yet he was the one chosen to reveal the wisdom of the ages. Why?
One word: joy. He did everything with total happiness.
Who among us can honestly say we do the same?
Some of us are naturally happy, others naturally sad. And most of us mingle between the two.
Now is the time to take stock of our attitude, to inject the consciousness of happiness into everything we do. Any spiritual teacher worth his salt will stress to you the truism that we have the power to be happy all the time, not most of the time. It might sound illogical and unfeasible, but the Rav [my father and teacher] always taught me and my brother Michael, "I don't have time to not be happy."
Besides, it takes more energy to be unhappy. Think how light you feel when you are feeling good, versus how stuck in the mud you feel when you are depressed.
This is a very special week because it contains the holiday of Sukkot, which is a cosmic outpost for tapping into, among other things, the energy of happiness. Now we have the opportunity to increase our capacity [kabbalists call it vessel] for joy and ... good vibes, if you will.
To tap this energy, and to really see miracles unfold around you in the coming months, I challenge you to practice random acts of kindness all week long. If you really want to go the extra mile, do them anonymously.
Bringing joy to others now will ensure that you reach a place where there is only goodness, happiness and all the things you desire.
And if you live near a Kabbalah Centre, please join us for a Sukkot connection like you've never experienced before.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
I find the strength to restrain selfish longings. Through this Name I ask for what my soul needs, not what my ego wants. I find deep appreciation for whatever life brings me. This brings me happiness in the deepest sense.