September 7 — 13

By: Yehuda Berg

In many of my introductory emails, books, and live lectures, I begin by explaining the whole notion of Light and vessel, 1% and 99% realm. Yet, here we are, so many books and emails later, and I'm still explaining it in details as if for the first time.
Because the Light is a complex concept. We can begin to grasp the ideas of light and darkness, but to know what it means to experience Light on an energetic level can take lifetimes.
Kabbalists explain we don't truly understand the concept of the Creator because it's beyond our ability even to intellectualize the whole notion. Instead, they give us the metaphor of Light to bridge the gap.
Imagine you're standing at the ground level of the Empire State building but the whole structure is made of wax. It's a giant candle, hundreds of stories high. From where you are on street level, can you see the lit wick of that candle, hundreds of stories up? No, it's impossible. What we see is the light emanating from this vast candle, the light that comes from the burning wick.
When we talk about the Light, we're really talking about the Light that emanates from God. And from where we are in this universe, we cannot touch God; we cannot see God; we cannot conceptualize God. But we can understand or have a sense of the Light that comes from God.
Kabbalist understands this and so they give us the notion of the Light, or that which emanates from the Creator and fills up. The Light is felt when we are inspired or excited, when we feel love, joy, and happiness, and when we create. These are experiences that we can all relate to.
This week, make an effort to see the Light in your life - even if you don't truly "see it."
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

I now transcend the limits of my own being. I cling to the Tree of Life. Happiness finds me now that my ego is out of the spotlight. I can get out of my own way, letting go of all stubbornness.