August 31 — September 6

It's been a risky week for those of you who've been following the risk-taking assignments in the dailies. Thank you for writing to me about your victories, and even your failures. (If you are not on the list, make sure to join so you can participate.)
'Ask for It', Tuesday's exercise, led some students to be disappointed because they didn't get what they asked for. This brings up two important points I'd like to share with you.
1. Staying Open
These risk exercises are about opening up. To one degree or another, we are all blocked. Kabbalistically, we are surrounded by klipah (metaphysical barriers) that prevent our Light from fully shining. Every time we go for something that terrifies us, we create cracks in the barrier. The Light is always there, we need only to sweat a little to make an opening for it to come in.
This takes courage and the willingness to fall flat on our face. And to keep falling until we are able to stand up. It's no coincidence that I read a great Japanese proverb this week, fall seven times, get up eight.
So what if you got turned down? Keep risking. Every no brings you closer to a yes.
2. Time is Your Friend
We live in a world of cause and effect, with time creating space between action and reaction. That's why the Light rarely comes in the moment we do something, positive or negative.
From a kabbalistic perspective, time is mercy. Imagine if we felt the effects of our negative actions the moment we did them. It wouldn't be pleasant. And the rare times we do feel the effects on the spot, well, that's what we call a time of judgment. But we don't want that instantaneous cause and effect in our lives. We want the time to do right and correct our actions.
But we can't have it both ways. So, if your positive efforts haven't yet come back to you, know that they will, in time. And remember to learn patience in order to allow the Light to do its magic.
Be careful not to fall into the gap. I can't tell you how many people I've known over the years who were so close, yet gave up because they didn't see results in the time frame they expected.
This week, keep doing the exercises. Even forward to friends who'd like to get involved. And remember, the greater the risk, the greater reward - eventually.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

My eyes and heart remain focused on the end goal at all times. I awaken the persistence and passion to never - and that means never - ever settle for less!