By: Yehuda Berg
Sunday, September 14
Most of us are not free to devote all day, every day to spiritual matters. We have jobs and careers, families and friends. And this, after all, is what the Light intends for us. We were not created to live on a mountaintop, alone with our contemplations and meditations. We were brought into the world in order to meet the challenge of being spiritual while living a tough, physical life that at times seems the exact opposite of spiritual.
The fact that you have so many mundane responsibilities does not mean that the quality of your spiritual work needs to be degraded, even if the time you devote to explicitly spiritual matters is less than it might be.
Most of us are left with only bits and pieces of time for study and reflection. But you have to grab onto those moments and use them to do the spiritual work.
Today, the spiritual work is reviewing the pain you have caused others this past year, and to transform the original outcome by committing to yourself not to allow that reactive behavior to dominate you.
If we really care about connection to the Light, then let us make the desire to transform a commitment at every moment.