By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, September 11
We all have situations in our life that are less than what we want them to be. Kabbalistically, the way to deal with darkness is to turn on the Light. Do an act of sharing, or kindness, or breaking your own limits. Anything that goes against our comfortable, 1 % nature will reveal Light into whatever it is we may be struggling with.
Today, read and reread the words of my father and teacher, Rav Berg. Allow this seemingly simple idea to penetrate the deepest recesses of your consciousness:
"For most of us, we seek the means by which to remove the chaotic environment we may find ourselves trapped in. This procedure has been tried by civilizations ever since chaos came upon the scene of humanity and unfortunately has very little to show for its efforts.
From a Kabbalistic perspective, the way to remove chaos is not surgery upon chaos but rather the infusion of the Lightforce, which ultimately brings with it the universal law that darkness or chaos cannot coexist with the Light."