By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, September 13
The writings of the great 16th century Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria (The Ari) gave us much of the wisdom and tools we use in our prayers and meditations, and they are the foundation for our courses on reincarnation, meditation, and healing. We call them "The Ari's Writings."
However, The Ari didn't write these books himself. They were written by his prize student, Rav Chaim Vital. The Ari admits that his sole purpose for coming to this world was to teach Rav Chaim, and once those teachings were transmitted, The Ari left the world at the young age of 38.
I share with you this story because it's a wonderful reminder of our deep responsibility to others, to transmit the wisdom of Kabbalah, as a link in this great chain of kabbalists which include The Ari himself. The Ari knew that you and I and countless others would navigate our lives by his teachings, and he also knew that he was just another link in the chain.
Take time this weekend to think about who you connect to in this chain. How many people do you knowingly connect to the Light everyday? Who relies on your advice and guidance? Who do you meditate and scan for? All of these people will benefit from your increased awareness and appreciation of your power and ability to influence.