By: Yehuda Berg

Last week in Los Angeles I spoke about the idea of 'being connected.' I got an email asking me to better define that word. As I was writing the answer I realized this was a bigger issue that needs to be addressed for everyone.
A human being in its inactive state is naturally connected to the Lightforce of the Creator. Imagine a line extending from you and reaching up to the Upper Worlds. If we sat still and did nothing from the day we were born, we'd still be connected. But the moment we opt for the desire to receive for the self alone over sharing, we severe the line, if only for a split second.
On a very basic level, we need to understand that if we want to be connected to an infinite, unending source of happiness, then our thoughts need to be the Creator's thoughts.
And the Creator has a one-track mind: how can I help?
The more you go against your natural tendencies, the more you help others instead of yourself, the more connected you will be.
This week, check in to see how 'connected' you are throughout the day. Set a daily reminder on your computer. Or challenge a friend to work with you on this, every day.
Ironically, if you're doing the work correctly, you'll realize how disconnected you are most of the time. That awareness will build your desire to be more connected.
All the best,

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