Press Past Adversity
"For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries"
(I Corinthians 16:9, NKJ)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you walking by faith or sight today? In other words, are you choosing to believe God no matter what your circumstances look like, or are you making decisions and focusing your mind on what you can see.
Remember, it's always darkest right before the dawn appears. I believe that you are about to give birth to that promise. The enemy sees the supernatural doors that are opened before you, and he will try his hardest to get you to quit, give up, and settle where you are. But if you'll just keep pressing past that adversity, if you'll keep praising, believing, and confessing God's promises, you'll make it through. You'll come out wiser and stronger, and you'll embrace every good thing God has in store for you!
"Father God, thank You for the open doors You have prepared for me. I recognize that these challenges have not come to stay; they have come to pass. I choose to stand strong in You, knowing that You have blessing and victory in store for my future. In Jesus' Name. Amen."