Wednesday, November 4, 2009

In Everything

In Everything

"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus"
(Thessalonians 5:18, NIV)

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you giving thanks in every circumstance? This might seem like a stretch at first, especially when you are going through a season of difficulty. But notice today's verse doesn't say to give thanks "for" everything, it says give thanks "in" everything. In other words, no matter what's going on, find something to be thankful for. Don't just focus on what's wrong in your life; focus on what God will do in your life!

When you are thankful, it opens the door for God to move on your behalf. That's why it says "this is God's will for you." He wants you to be close to Him and receive His strength and power by giving thanks.

Today, have the attitude that says, "God, in spite of what's happened, I choose to be grateful. I may be sick, but Father, thank You for being my healer. Thank you for giving me great friends and family." Or, "I may be struggling in my marriage, but God, thank You for being my restorer. Thank You for giving me another sunrise." As you give thanks in everything, you will see God's hand move mightily on your behalf. Before long, you'll come out of that difficulty better, stronger, and wiser than before!

"Father God, today I choose to give You thanks in all things! I know that You are a good God, and You have good plans in store for my future. I bless You and thank You for another day to sing Your praise! In Jesus' Name. Amen."