Find a Reason
"For this I will give thanks and extol You, O Lord, among the nation; I will sing praises to Your name"
(II Samuel 22:50, AMP)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Any time you're tempted to get discouraged, the quickest way out is to stop focusing on what you don't have and start thanking God for what you do have. You have to find a reason to be grateful!
Being grateful will lift you out of depression and discouragement. Being grateful can help turn a relationship around. It can even save a marriage! It's amazing what happens when we stop focusing on somebody's faults, and instead, we start seeing the good and showing appreciation. People like to be around grateful people. They're drawn to people who are appreciative and thankful. In fact, being grateful at the office and expressing gratitude to your employer can even help get you a promotion or save your job during a time of layoffs!
I want to encourage you, every morning when you wake up, find a reason to give God thanks. Before you think about your problems, thank God that you are alive! As you find a reason to give thanks, I believe it blesses the heart of God. I believe He'll pour out more of His favor and blessing and lead you into the destiny He has in store for you!
"Father God, today I choose to give You thanks. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for setting me free. Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus! I know You have a good plan for me. Thank You for leading and guiding me and for keeping me close to You all the days of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."