Dear Friend,
Did you know that God wants to take you beyond where you are right now? He loves and cares for you so much, and He wants you to experience life where anything is possible.
It's the life that Jesus lived, and it's the life He desires for you as you hear His voice and obey His Word. God didn't create you in the hope that you would just get by or settle for the ordinary.
God has a unique, just for you purpose!
So often we limit ourselves or allow others to put limits on us that keep us from fulfilling God’s plan for our lives. Many times, we don't even realize this is happening until we read God's Word and discover the real truth He has for us. If we, as believers, hold on to the things that limit us, they will keep us from the incredible life God has for us.
Doing it God's way isn't always easy. Trust doesn't come naturally to us; neither do forgiveness, patience or having a good attitude through difficult seasons in life.
If you want to go beyond where you are today, to get to the place God's calling you, you have to live God's way.
When you do things God's WAY, you get God's RESULTS.
Victoria and I believe God wants to take us beyond where our ministry is today. Our nation and our world desperately need to discover real hope … hope that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
We ask for your support as we reach out to share the message of God's unlimited love and HOPE around the world.
Believing God's Best,
Joel Osteen

Audio Resource

Plus: Life Without Limits