By: Yehuda Berg
May 17 — 23

One of the first things we learn in Kabbalah is changing ourselves is the only way to create real change in the world. We are the point of impact. Everything begins with us.
And yet, how many of us wake up every day and think about the big picture? Do we wake up and think, "What I do today, how I treat people and how I act, will have an impact on the entire world"?
Yes, we have these thoughts from time to time. But it's not something we have in the front of our minds often enough.
Imagine what life would be like if everyone woke up every morning and decided, "Today is going to be the best day of my life and the best day of the world. I'm going to treat everyone with kindness and human dignity. I'm going to resist every impulse I have to give someone a piece of my mind. I'm going to let my soul do the walking & talking and just take my body along for the ride."
What would happen then? We would brighten someone's day, who would in turn brighten someone else's day, and on and on and on. At the end of the day, it's conceivable that you could have impacted thousands of people. There would be huge change in the world.
Nowadays we have so many people studying Kabbalah that we can speed up this chain reaction. But in order for it to work, we must give care and compassion every moment of the day. And when we don't have it to give, we must commit to finding the blockage that's limiting our love.
This week, be a role model. Don't tell everyone else how to behave all the time. Provide a good example with your own actions. When you do, people will pick up on it and follow your lead. It's something they'll understand on a soul level and it will ignite a positive force within them as well.
This is how we are going to get the job done.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week

This Name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.

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