Sunday, May 24, 2009
Unlimit Love
By: Yehuda Berg
May 17 — 23
One of the first things we learn in Kabbalah is changing ourselves is the only way to create real change in the world. We are the point of impact. Everything begins with us.
And yet, how many of us wake up every day and think about the big picture? Do we wake up and think, "What I do today, how I treat people and how I act, will have an impact on the entire world"?
Yes, we have these thoughts from time to time. But it's not something we have in the front of our minds often enough.
Imagine what life would be like if everyone woke up every morning and decided, "Today is going to be the best day of my life and the best day of the world. I'm going to treat everyone with kindness and human dignity. I'm going to resist every impulse I have to give someone a piece of my mind. I'm going to let my soul do the walking & talking and just take my body along for the ride."
What would happen then? We would brighten someone's day, who would in turn brighten someone else's day, and on and on and on. At the end of the day, it's conceivable that you could have impacted thousands of people. There would be huge change in the world.
Nowadays we have so many people studying Kabbalah that we can speed up this chain reaction. But in order for it to work, we must give care and compassion every moment of the day. And when we don't have it to give, we must commit to finding the blockage that's limiting our love.
This week, be a role model. Don't tell everyone else how to behave all the time. Provide a good example with your own actions. When you do, people will pick up on it and follow your lead. It's something they'll understand on a soul level and it will ignite a positive force within them as well.
This is how we are going to get the job done.
All the best,
72 Name of the Week
This Name raises my awareness of the long-term effects of all my actions. I gain the ability to see the spiritual challenges in every moment, before they become the foundations of chaos and crises.
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Here on Earth
By: Yehuda Berg
Saturday, May 23
You see that little indentation above your upper lip? Kabbalists explain that when we are born there is an angel that taps us on our upper lip and causes us to forget everything we signed on for. As I explained yesterday, we came here with a mission greater than pleasure and survival.
The whole purpose of studying Kabbalah and growing spiritually is to remember why you came to this physical world and to go ahead and do it.
Today, take a few moments to scan the Zohar or talk to God in whatever way you know how. Ask to be led in the direction of fulfilling your mission here on Earth. You'll know when you are headed in the right direction because it will be challenging. And you will feel that elusive sensation of satisfaction.
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Friday, May 22, 2009
A Perfect World
Kabbalah explains that before the sin of Adam, the world was in a perfect state – devoid of pain, suffering, or conflict. After the sin, the world as we know it came into being. The entire world became engulfed in negativity, with evil desires and actions expressing the opposite of the peace and tranquility that had existed before.
This is not the state in which the Creator wants the world to remain. It is our job to perfect ourselves and thereby return the world to its condition before the sin. This understanding is very important for all of us. People often mistake the spiritual path for a simple reward plan. They think that if they do a certain number of good deeds, they will be rewarded with a certain amount of good in return.
But this is not the purpose for which we are in the world. The Creator’s ultimate plan is that we together bring about a truly global change. A critical mass of people must positively transform in order to make possible the total transformation of the world as a whole, with no more negativity, pain, or suffering.
Simply put, our world is not a point system, but rather a system with a point. And this ultimate state is what the Creator promises us will happen in Gemini.
This month, let us remember that we cannot become self-centered in our spiritual work and progress. It is certainly good for us to change ourselves into more spiritual beings who care more, share more, and perform more positive actions.
But our job does not end there. We have the responsibility to bring about the critical mass that will enable the world to revert to the peaceful and deathless state of before the sin. This task entails an entirely different set of thoughts and actions than if our sole purpose were to become better, more spiritual individuals.
I challenge you to think how this understanding can inform and inspire your spiritual work. Also, be aware that through the unique energy of this month, the Creator gives us the power to bring about such global change, and it is only with the Creator’s assistance that we will be able to truly achieve the final transformation.
Holidays are much more than commemorations of ancient events. They are each a connecting point to cosmic energy. Rav Berg places that transforming energy within the grasp of every reader, from experienced Kabbalah students to those who are discovering this wisdom for the first time.
In Days of Power, Part Two, you’ll learn the kabbalistic meaning behind such popular holidays as:
As well as discovering the beauty behind some lesser known ones such as:
•Tu B’Shvat
•Lag B’Omer
•Tisha B’Av
•Tu B’av
You will also find kabbalistic explanations of the New Moon, Anniversaries of the Righteous, and so much more.
Days of Power is a practical users’ manual for each and every holiday. Own it today.
Buy the book now
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There for Someone
By: Yehuda Berg
Friday, May 22
Before we came down to this physical world, we each signed a contract in the endless committing to help a certain number of people. However, most of us forgot our promise and we avoid helping because it's uncomfortable. And yet, it's in those uncomfortable corners of our lives where the most love and Light is brought out of hiding.
Shine today. Be there for someone (especially when it's challenging.)
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Light From Darkness
By: Michael Berg
The great kabbalists were known to use frequently their visions to know people’s prayers to the Creator, as well as the response. One Yom Kippur, the highest day of the year, after the prayers and services were concluded, a kabbalist turned to his student, an over-worked pub owner, and said, “I know what you asked the Creator for. In the evening, you asked the Creator to provide you with all the money you would need to support your family at the beginning of the year so that you could quit the pub and work full time at sharing and growing spiritually.
“The next morning, you rethought your request, realizing all that money upfront would be too much responsibility, and you amended your plea, asking for half up front and half six months later. In the afternoon, you changed your mind yet again, this time asking that the money be spread out over quarterly payments.
“Do you want to know the Creator’s answer?”
The student just sat there in excited anticipation, awaiting the teacher’s prophecy.
“The Creator says He already has thousands of angels without a care in the world, whose sole purpose is to be righteous and to look out for others every second of the day. He doesn’t need you for that. What He does need you for is to grab five minutes of Light in the midst of your challenging day, to share with someone when you don’t want to – or don’t have the time. This is why you were born, for these very moments of taking Light out of darkness."
Most of us perceive life’s purpose upside down. We think we are achieving our purpose when our days are going well and we are inspired. But when things are not going well, we sort of write them off, assuming that as long as we have enough good days of growth and sharing, then we are in good shape, spiritually-speaking.
At its core, this is a false view of reality. As the Zohar says, “Light is only Light when it comes out of darkness.” When we grab a few minutes of sharing and go outside ourselves in the midst of difficulty, we are revealing the most powerful Light and fulfilling our purpose.
Five minutes of sharing and making the effort on a difficult day are worth all the hours of good deeds done on a perfect day. Yes, what you do on a good day is essential because it enables you to have clarity in the darkness. But the illumination is not nearly as bright as connections and sharing done during tough times.
The next time you are having a difficult day (and truth be told, there is some darkness in every day) remind yourself, “This is why I am here,” and then go and see what you can do to grab a few minutes of sharing, of thinking of another person, and of connecting to the Light. This is what life’s all about.
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Leave the Way Open
Leave the Way Open
"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for [God's] wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay (requite), says the Lord"
(Romans 12:19, AMP).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all go through situations where we’re not being treated fairly. Maybe somebody is talking behind your back or trying to make you look bad, maybe you were overlooked for a promotion or cheated in a business deal. When we’re being mistreated, the natural thing is to try to defend ourselves and set the record straight. Human nature wants to get even and get revenge. But the scripture says, “Vengeance is Mine… says the Lord.” That means God wants to make your wrongs right. He wants to pay you back for every unfair thing that has happened. He is a God of justice.
Notice what today’s scripture says: you can either avenge yourself or you can let God be your avenger, but you can’t have it both ways. If you take matters into your own hands, then God is going to step back and say, “Go ahead, do it your way. Looks like you don’t need My help.” But on the other hand, if we choose to stay on the high road and say, “No, I’m going to let God be my avenger and trust God to bring justice into my life”, then you are leaving the way open for God to move mightily on your behalf!
Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You asking that You be my vindicator. I choose to release all those who have hurt me and every wrong done to me. Fill me with your peace and love. I trust that You are working on my behalf, and I look for Your goodness in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Favor For Life
4–Part Audio Series on CD
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Hope For Today
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Nothing changes lives like the Hope found in God's Word
Dear Friend,
The question is…what kind of a legacy will we leave?
In our daily lives, thoughts like "God's plan" and "our legacy" can feel so far away.
But the truth is, every choice counts. Every thought matters. Even the smallest action makes a difference.
When you think about it, the greatest legacy that’s ever been given is the Word of God. It’s filled with stories of people who changed the world and left a legacy through their loving relationship with God.
I pray my legacy will be that I gave my life to deliver the truth of God’s Word to as many people as I possibly could.
That’s why our vision for this ministry is to offer the hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.
One of the great things I love about God’s Kingdom is that everyone who gives and supports this ministry SHARES in its legacy. And we’ve not yet come close to all that we believe God wants to do through us.
Victoria and I believe there’s so much more and we want you to be a part of all that God has for us. Thank you so much for your support! It means more than you know to us.
Believing God's Best,
The First Thought
By: Yehuda Berg
Thursday, May 21
In a well-worn kabbalistic prayer it is written, 'the manifestation of every action is already included in the inception of the first thought.'
Be conscious today. Inject awareness and sensitivity into everything you do. This is the antidote to, "What was I thinking?!?"
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The Sacrifice of Praise
The Sacrifice of Praise
"Through Him, therefore, let us constantly and at all times offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, which is the fruit of lips that thankfully acknowledge and confess and glorify His name"
(Hebrews 13:15, AMP).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
The Bible tells us there are many ways to praise and worship God— but have you ever thought about what it means to offer a sacrifice of praise? It means that we acknowledge God above our circumstances. We live our lives in such a way that we honor and glorify Him no matter what is going on around us. We rejoice in all things.
For example, when somebody offends you and you feel like giving them a piece of your mind, but instead you just smile, do you know what you just did? You were saying with your actions, “I am living at a higher level. I am acknowledging God in every circumstance.” On the freeway, when someone cuts you off and you’re just about to tell them what you think, but instead you look over and smile, that’s giving a sacrifice of praise.
Remember, God promises to dwell among the praises of His people. When you continually offer up praise, you are inviting God’s presence and power into every area of your life!
Father in heaven, I choose to praise and glorify You in all circumstances. Help me, by Your Spirit, to be a light and example to the world around me. Thank You for working in my heart. I bless You today and always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Favor For Life
4–Part Audio Series on CD
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Hope For Today
and Favor For Life
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Before You Act
By: Yehuda Berg
Wednesday, May 20
How many times do we say to ourselves, "Why did I do that?!"
The are many answers. For one, I think we give in too easily to our greatest desire to receive, namely, I Want It Now!
Today, think before you act. Imagine how you will feel 5 minutes after your action. Still want to do it?
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Hope Beyond All Reason
Hope Beyond All Reason
"Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations…"
(Romans 4:18, NLT).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Are you facing a situation that seems hopeless? Maybe you have a promise from God that you haven’t seen come to pass yet. Perhaps it seems like it could have come to pass a few years ago, but now there’s no reason to hope any longer.
In the Bible, Abraham was in the same situation. He had a promise from God that He would be the father of many nations. The only problem was that both Abraham and His wife, Sarah, were well beyond child-bearing years. Abraham didn’t see any reason to hope. There was no way he could think of for God’s promise to come to pass. But I love what this scripture says—even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept on hoping. He chose to have an attitude of faith and expectancy, and God was faithful to Abraham and fulfilled His promise!
I encourage you today, when you are facing a situation that looks hopeless, put your hope in God! He will never forsake You; He is the one, true, faithful God! When you hope beyond reason, you will see His promises fulfilled in every area of your life! one, true, faithful God! When you hope beyond reason, you will see His promises fulfilled in every area of your life!
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. I trust that Your promises are true. I choose to put my hope in You no matter what my circumstances may look like. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Favor For Life
4–Part Audio Series on CD
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Hope For Today
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Divine Rapture
By: Yehuda Berg
Tuesday, May 19
Spirituality isn't what comes over us in moments of divine rapture. It's the slow burn of daily practice, being kind to others when we are grumpy, constantly looking for the lesson, thinking of what we can improve, and all those difficult challenges we face every moment.
Today, keep taking baby steps towards becoming more tolerant, more communicative, and more generous. Slow and steady wins the race.
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Choose to Rejoice
Choose to Rejoice
"Rejoice in the Lord, you [consistently] righteous (upright and in right standing with God), and give thanks at the remembrance of His holiness"
(Psalm 97:12, AMP).
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
All through the scripture we are told to rejoice in the Lord always. It’s interesting that the word “rejoice” doesn’t just mean to be vocal and to give God praise with our words. Rejoice also means “to brighten up,” “to spin around,” and “to leap for joy.” In other words, you rejoice with your actions. You rejoice with your countenance. Do you realize you can rejoice by simply putting a smile on your face?
When times are tough, when things aren’t going as planned, many people have a long, sour face. They’re down, discouraged, worried, and upset. But when you choose to rejoice, you smile and have a pleasant demeanor no matter what. And it’s not because you necessarily feel like it or because everything is perfect. You just simply smile by faith. You smile knowing that your expression is saying to God, “I trust You. I know you are working all things out for my good.”
Make the decision today and every day to rejoice in the Lord! Put a smile on your face and let the whole world know your hope is in the Lord.
Father God, I choose to rejoice in You. I know that Your goodness goes way beyond my difficulty. I know that even when I don’t see a way, You are making a way for me. Fill me with Your supernatural peace and joy as I surrender every area of my life to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Favor For Life
4–Part Audio Series on CD
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Hope For Today
and Favor For Life
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Monday, May 18, 2009
With No Expectations
By: Yehuda Berg
Monday, May 18
Giving of ourselves is how we connect to God. When we get past the what's-in-it-for-me mindset, we invite clarity, peace, success and joy — and all the Creator's attributes — to flood our being.
Today, share with no expectations.
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