Victoria and I want to invite you to join us TONIGHT for our Day of Hope webcast from Lakewood Church, at 7 PM CT. This special event is going to be a powerful time for God to do amazing things in our lives.
We want you to know that you can have hope today – no matter what surrounds you. Please share with us a situation in your life that seems hopeless. Through prayer, God can take any circumstance and suddenly transform it for His glory.
Click here to let us know what you are believing God to do in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. Then, let's join together for our Day of Hope at 7 PM CT tonight, April 7th.
We want to take this time to share in your dreams, pray over your future and celebrate what God is already doing.
Invite a friend and be sure to join us online!
Believing God's Best,
Joel & Victoria Osteen