The Breath of God
"[It is] the Spirit of God that made me [which has stirred me up], and the breath of the Almighty that gives me life [which inspires me]"
(Job 33:4, AMP)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In Genesis, the Bible tells us that God breathed life into Adam. Not only does God breathe life into our physical bodies, He breathes life into our dreams and desires. He breathes new life and inspiration into your heart. I believe, even right now, He’s breathing a bigger vision into your spirit. One scripture says, “It’s not by our might. It’s not by our power. But it’s by the breath of Almighty God.” As God breathes on your life, things are going to get easier. Negative situations are going to turn around. You’re going to have wisdom beyond your years. You’re going to have a resolve that will not give up, an attitude that refuses to quit.
Everywhere you go, you need to imagine the most powerful force in the universe is blowing in your direction. Believe that His favor and inspiration are on your life. Look for those opportunities that God will use to take you further than you dreamed. As you trust that God is breathing in your direction, you’ll see His hand of grace and favor moving you forward in victory in every area of your life!
Heavenly Father, thank You for breathing in my direction. Thank You for giving life to my dreams, hopes, and desires. I trust that Your favor is working on my behalf. I give You glory for every good thing in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.