By: Joel Osteen
Say So
Today's Scripture
"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has delivered from the hand of the adversary" (Psalm 107:2, AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Notice this verse doesn't say "Let the redeemed of the Lord think so. Let the redeemed believe so." Of course it's important to think right, and it's important to believe right, but something supernatural happens when we declare something out loud. And, you don't even have to say it to anyone else, you can just say it to yourself–driving to work or in the shower, you can say, "The economy may be low, but I am blessed. I am prosperous. I will lend and not borrow." "I may have had some setbacks, but I know those setbacks are a setup for a comeback!This is still going to be my best year so far. The favor of God is turning things around."
You are prophesying your future. When you say what the Lord has done for you, when you declare that you are redeemed, you are opening the door for God to move on your behalf. The Scripture tells us that He watches over His Word to perform it. When you declare His Word, when you speak His promises, He is faithful to fulfill them and lead you into victory all the days of your life!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for delivering me and setting me free. I will declare Your goodness. I will declare Your promises. I will declare Your favor so that I can live the good life You have prepared for me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.