By: Joel Osteen
Stay in the Truth
Today's Scripture
“Love means doing what God has commanded us, and He has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning” (2 John 1:6, NLT).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
In this day and age, there are many “voices” that try to tell us how to live or how to get to heaven. Back in Bible days, there were also people known as false teachers who came into the church with a “new revelation.” In this scripture, John is reminding all of us that God has not changed. He is basically saying, “You know what, there really isn’t anything new about God. He’s the same as He’s always been so just stay with what you know. Do what He’s commanded and love one another.”
The Word of God is His truth. When you follow God’s Word, you can be sure that you are staying in the truth. Remember, Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” Any teachings that don’t acknowledge what Jesus did on the cross are false teachings. False teachings feed your pride and tell you that you can make it on your own without Him. But God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Loving others and putting them first keeps us humble before the Lord. It puts us in a position to receive His grace and live empowered by His truth all the days of our lives.
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, thank You for Your truth which sets me free. Help me to love others the way You love them so I can stay focused on Your truth. I bless You and praise You for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.