By: Joel Osteen
Speaking Faith Filled Words
Our words have creative power. With our words we can either bless our future or we can curse our future. If we are going to see God's best unfold in our lives, we have to stay on the offensive and speak words of victory. You see, it's not enough to just think it and believe it. You have to give life to your faith by speaking it out.
When we speak God's Word, the moment His promises come out of your mouth, in the unseen realm, something happens. You may not see it for a week, a year, or even ten years, but that does not mean it's not going to happen. Too often we cancel out our promises by speaking negative words. We should be determined that we are going to watch over what comes out of our mouth. No matter how long it's taking, or how it looks, we should keep declaring favor and faith over our situations. If you'll get in the habit of declaring favor and speaking faith filled words, you're going to see negative situations turn around. Your mountains are going to turn into molehills. Hold fast the profession of your faith. Be amazed as God shows up in big ways in your life.