By: Joel Osteen
Lift Up Your Head
Today's Scripture
"Lift up your heads…that the King of glory may come in" (Psalm 24:7, AMP).
Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Are you ready for God to come in and fight your battles? Then it’s time to lift up your head. It’s time to get a vision of yourself rising higher. See, your life is going to follow your vision. You can’t stay focused on defeat and expect to move forward in victory. But when you lift your head, when you focus on the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, your focus is in the right place. You are setting yourself up to be a candidate of God’s blessing and favor.
How do you lift your head? By thinking higher thoughts. By speaking God’s Word. By seeing yourself the way God sees you. That means if you’re sick, you’ve got to start seeing yourself well. If you’re struggling in your finances, start seeing yourself with more than enough. You may have major obstacles, but see yourself rising above them. If you will lift up your head, then the Lord mighty in battle will come in. And when God shows up, every adversity will be turned to victory! Every battlefield will be turned to a blessing field, and you will live the abundant life He promised to you!
A Prayer for Today
Father in heaven, I choose to lift my head, to lift my thoughts, words, and actions to be in agreement with You. Thank You for fighting my battles and for leading me into victory. I love You and bless Your holy name. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.